Safety Backing
2cm porcelain manufacturers require added safety measures when placing their pavers on pedestals. Though it is extremely rare, any paver can break. Our factory-installed high-tech composite backing prevents a broken paver from shattering, splintering, or dislodging, thus reducing the risk of injury.
With UnderLock SB (safety backing), the paver may crack after an exceptionally high point load, but all of the broken pieces are held together. It is still possible to walk on the paver until it can be replaced.
Summary of Benefits:
1. Factory installed on ANY size paver. Running bond pattern possible
2. No added trays, sub-grid, or adhesives required
3. Best value. Safety-backed pavers arrive at your site ready to put
in place.
4. If wind uplift or vandalism is a concern, you can upgrade to our
full system, (UnderLock FS) a fully integrated, patented porcelain
paver lockdown system